Career Path:
  • Former winner of general physics and chemistry competition
  • Surgeon (general surgery, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery)
  • Chief Medical Officer First Class French Navy
  • Expert for the Court of Appeal in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery
  • Scientific Advisor of the Association for the Development of education and research in the PACA region
  • Honorary President of the Commission "Sea" of the Regional Council and vice-president of the Regional Office for marine affairs
  • Knight of the Legion of Honour for acts of war
  • Knight of the National Order of Merit
  • Cross of Military Valour with mention in Divisional orders
Research, achievements and patents:
    •  Plastic surgery // Breast Implants:

1965: Patent for "the first breast implant fillable saline serum"
1989: Development of first breast implants pre-filled with CMC
1992: Patent for "new gel (CMC) for filling breast implants
1993: Patent for "autogenous device for welding occlusion discs of breast implants"
1993: Patent for "introducer for breast implants"

    • Plastic surgery general:

1970: Sequential Compressor for total skin grafting
1984: Development thermostated baths for the treatment of major burns

    • Cardiovascular Surgery:

1953: Peristaltic pump for fluids
1970: Fatigue bench for prosthetic heart valves
1973: Elastic pacemaker electrode
1974: Pacemaker biogalvanic
1975: Monolithic left heart valve

    • Visceral surgery:

1966: Probe for biliary radio-manometry
1970: Transistorisation of leaks intraoperative blood Anesthesia // Resuscitation
1975: Independent volumetric respirator (approved for hospitals by the LNE)
1979: Automatic programmable injecting apparatus

    • Obstetrics:

1956 : Respiratory mucus extractor for newborn

    • Other applications in medical field:

1956: Mechanical plaster opener
1994: New medical sterilisation process for industrial use


    • Hydrodynamics:

1990: Patent for "floating wave attenuator"

Scientific articles and publications:
    •  Plastic surgery of breast:

1965 (Annals of Plastic Surgery) "The centring of the nipple in modelling of breast amputations"
1965 (Congress of the French Society of Gynaecology) "Introducing a new breast prosthesis"
1970 (Congress of Plastic Surgery, Mexico): "Breast implants in silicone"
1971 (Medical Gazette) "Breast prostheses implanted in human surgery"
1974 (Notes on surgical technique Maloine) "Breast reduction"
1995 (Annals of Plastic Surgery) "About siliconoma" "Perspective on the Future of Breast Implants: about the reliability of envelopes and the safety of filler gel "
1996 (Annals of Plastic Surgery) "Absorption and physical alterations of the wall of breast implant according to its Content "
1997 Annals of Plastic Surgery; "Statistics and breast implants"

    • Plastic surgery general:

1963 (Medico-surgical society of Toulon) "Shred rotation with plasty in L on the crumpled edge"
1963 (Annals of Plastic Surgery) "A simple to manufacture dermatome"
1969 (East Grinsteadt, Great Britain) "Treatment of paralysis of the orbicularis oculi"
1969 (Innsbruck, Austria) "About the paralysis of the orbicularis oculi and treatment of lagophthalmos "
1970 (Medico-surgical society of Toulon) "Proceedings of the Society of burns therapy"
1974 (Annals of Plastic Surgery) "About some mechanical properties of the skin"

    • Cardiovascular Surgery:

1970 (Annals of Cardiovascular Surgery) "Fatigue bench for prosthetic heart valves"
1972 (French Congress of Surgery) "Total replacement heart prosthesis"

    • Other medical applications:

1957 (GERS French Navy) "Study and development of contact lenses for vision underwater"
1961 (French Journal of Otolaryngology *) "The turbulence fundamental phenomenon of phonation"
1964 (Medical Electronics) "Transistorisation and determination of intraoperative blood leaks"
1968 (French Navy) "The extreme emergency tracheotomy in drowning cases"

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